

Next Meeting

The Gathering
of the
Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club
will be on 
November 8 at 7:00 pm

At the 
American Red Cross
2912 S 80th Ave

This month's program 



Featured Shacks


As a Service to its members, the AARC has available some items that members might need occasionaly.   

Members of the Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club, who are in good standing (that means current on your dues!) and possesses an active FCC issued US Amateur Radio License may borrow one of two Icom HTs.  The radios are a basic 2 meter radio which is great for the new user.  It has a NiMH battery and a drop in charger and an alkaline pack making it the perfect if you need to borrow a rig to help with that community service event, or if you are just itching to get on the air as you shop for your new radio.   Completely programmable from the keyboard there is no need for the complication of computer based programming.    

The radios are available for checkout at any club meeting and you can use it to your hearts content for then next  month. Just bring it back to the next month's club meeting.   If you can't make a meeting for either check out or return, you can contact the equipment committee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to make arrangement for its return.  Someone else might be waiting! 

We also have an MFJ-259B Antenna Analyzer and an MFJ-949C Versa Tuner as well...  Both are available for pick up at a club meeting with advanced notice you want to borrow them.  

At this time there is no other equipment on the loan list.    

Please review the Loan Agreement at the link below.


 Item  Serial Number  Borrower  Date Due Back
 Icom V80 Kit #1 25006471  Available  
 Icom V80 Kit #2 25006472  Available  
ARRL Intro To Morse Code CD Set
 N/A  Available  
MFJ-259B Antenna Analyzer  N/A  Available  
MFJ-949C Versa Tuner II N/A  Available  

To review the Equipment Loan Agreement click this link.