
Membership information for the AARC

The Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club encourages our members to participate in a variety of activities.  Members are active in Field Day, Community Service, Pulic Awareness activities and a variety of operating events.   

Amateur Radio has a tried and true history in providing communications support to a variety of events.  You can learn more about our Community Service Activies here. 

Field Day is the largest amateur radio operating event in the world.  The members of the Ak-Sar-Ben ARC like the challenge of changing locations for Field Day every few years.   You can learn more about our Field Days here.

Besides Field Day, many AARC members participate in On the Air contests and activities is the club, using the K0USA callsign (with permission of course)  Learn more about our efforts here.

While amateur radio has been around for over 100 years, its not a main stream hobby.   When possible, club members like to help share the word about ham radio and also encourage kids to learn more about science, not just talking on the radio.   

I got my license... now what??

2020 Field Day Preparations for 

Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club  Members

Adapted from an article by

Anthony Luscre, K8ZT

The Ak-Sar-Ben ARC officers and board members want to encourage all club members to participate in this year’s FD by operating their own stations!

As most of you know this year’s AARC Field Day operation will not be the same usual Class A multi-station setup. Due to COVID-19, the club is taking social distancing precautions similar to many other clubs around the country. Instead of the usual operation, we are encouraging all club members to operate as individual or small group stations (within guidelines of social distancing and safe practices for all). Please mark your calendars now for Saturday, June 27 & Sunday, June 28th for FD. Operating begins at 1:00 PM CDT and ends 24 hours later.