The Annual Meeting of the Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club was held at the Heartland Chapter of the American Red Cross on Friday December 14, 2018. The Annual Meeting is also the election of new officers and board members!
The Results of the election are:
President: Kevin Hill KAØVNY
Vice President: Sean Edwards ACØQG
Board Member: Dan Buccholz NØPOT
Board Member: Dave Rice NØJSB
Board members who's term was not up are Barb Westcott KCØHLB and Brian Sohl KEØGKB
Please give your leadership your support and volunteer to lead or help with one of the many committees that make the AARC function. There are a lot of things to help with. Email addresses for all of the board and current committee chairs are available on the "Club Contacts" directory on the left.