

Next Meeting

The Gathering
of the
Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club
will be on 
March 14 at 7:00 pm

At the 
American Red Cross
2912 S 80th Ave

This month's program 

WW2 Radios Part 2!


Featured Shacks


Winter Field Day (WFD) is a communication exercise that is held on the last full weekend in January. This year that is January 28-29th.  WFD is open to particpants worldwide using HF, VHF and UHF frequencies.  Similar to the ARRL's Field Day, bonus points are earned in several ways including non-commercial power, operating in remote locations, satellite contacts and more.  

The local SATERN group, will be participating in Winter Field Day from their garage station at the Salvation Army's Emergency Disaster Services (EDS) Building at 10629 Burt Circle and the group is hosting an open house for area hams to come learn more about SATERN and how this group supports the Salvation Army as the organization supports responders and survivors of disasters.    SATERN invites you to "get out and play some radio!" 

The Winter Field Day Association believes that maintaining operating skills should not be limited to fair-weather scenarios.  And SATERN also understands that disasters happen all year round.

The Open House will be held on Saturday, January 28 between the hours of 2:00 and 5:00 pm.   There will be a two HF stations operating as well as a VHF/ UHF station giving everyone a chance to "Get On The Air" for a while.   And of course their will be hot drinks and snacks and door prizes too! 

By the way - there is construction that has closed 108th street south of Blondo and no way to "cut through the neighborhood" in the area.  SATERN has created a map showing the routes from Blondo via Papillion Parkway and from east or west bound Dodge.   Just click here for the map