

Next Meeting

The Gathering
of the
Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club
will be on 
March 14 at 7:00 pm

At the 
American Red Cross
2912 S 80th Ave

This month's program 

WW2 Radios Part 2!


Featured Shacks


With some adjustments, the April 2020 Ak-Sar-Ben ARC meeting is on!


1. We will NOT be meeting at the Red Cross this month, that facility is closed to outside groups at this time. 

2. We WILL host the meeting on the KØUSA  repeater: 146.940 Mhz (No PL Tone is necessary to reach the repeater - the PL tone is only on the output and is optional on your radio)    also, you can use Echolink node 732572 (N0TRK-R) to reach the K0USA repeater.  (note, you will not hear the repeater ID or courtesy beep over Echolink due to the link radio utilizing the receive PL tone) 

3. We WILL host the meeting simultaneously on Zoom.  (Zoom is a video meeting host site - see information below) 

4. Procedure: THE MEETING WILL BE RUN AS A NET. So for those on the repeater, we will have check-ins.

5. Limitations: Due to the limitations of Zoom, it is possible the meeting will only last 40 minutes. We are working to resolve this. Also, we will NOT send the Treasurer's report out over the repeater. Committees will give a report when called for, like any other meeting.

This should not be new, many of us have participated in a net, and many of us have been involved in a video conference meeting.  However, this is new for the club. So we want to thank you for your patience and your participation. If you have questions email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you did not receive the email about this - please reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to ensure we have your current information.  The Zoom meeting information is not shared on Facebook or the web site to help reduce the likelihood that the meeting will be hijacked.  (yes, people troll the web looking for meeting invitations and then disrupt meetings.