

Next Meeting

The Gathering
of the
Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club
will be on 
March 14 at 7:00 pm

At the 
American Red Cross
2912 S 80th Ave

This month's program 

WW2 Radios Part 2!


Featured Shacks


February's presentation was a walk down memory lane. It was from the very first half-hour TV show from 1959 about ham radio located by Pat Connell. The show was produced by John Hopkins University in Baltimore. It was in black and white as this was before the days of color television. The show covered all aspects of ham radio and a number of predictions about the future of ham radio which all became true.

The most interesting part of the meeting was the discussion afterward. There were over a half dozen attendees that got their first ham ticket back in the 1950s. They shared with the group their memories on equipment, operating practice, and the fantastic peak of the 1950's solar cycle to include the new frontier found on the VHF frequencies. in the 1950's one of the big producers of ham equipment was at World Radio in Council Bluffs. Does anyone remember the national crystal company on Broadway in Council Bluffs?

March presentation will be on Fox hunting or directional finding. The presentation will be on the various styles of fox hunting to include all age groups and families. You do not have to have a license to participate in fox hunting so maybe we can get some high schools' science programs involved and maybe other interested individuals. Hopefully, there will be time to discuss the possibility or an interest in a regional fox hunt being held during our club's 75th anniversary