

Next Meeting

The Gathering
of the
Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club
will be on 
November 8 at 7:00 pm

At the 
American Red Cross
2912 S 80th Ave

This month's program 



Featured Shacks

  • 1960
    • Club supported several  charity fund raisers
      • Heart Fund Drive
      • Cripple Children Fund Drive
      • Cancer Fund Drive
      • Cerebral Palsy Fund Drive
    • Ham Hum Editors Listed as Al McMillan - W0JJK and Dick Eilers - W0YZV
    • Dues are $6 per year (that is equal to $51.80 in 2020)
    • February - Club Hosted a Pancake Supper
    • May - SAC Tour after Dinner at the Officers Club
    • June - Pot Luck Dinner
    • August - W1UDE - Perry Williams Assistant Secretary of ARRL visited and presented program "Our Frequencies and How to Keep Them"
    • September - Club Picnic
    • October - The Annual Auction at the club meeting
    • November - Meeting program - Andrew Andros - President of HyGain - presented program 
  • 1961
    • February - Pancake supper - Free Will Donation but bring your own silverware
    • Ham Hum Editors Listed as Al McMillan - W0JJK and Dick Eilers - W0YZV
    • April Meeting held at the Union Pacific HQ Buiding - program by CO Jett - Ass't Superintendent of Communications 
    • June Meeting - Pot Luck Dinner
    • Club members assisted with the United Cerebral Palsy drive and in a Civil Defense drill
    • Post Office has been sending misaddressed QSL cards to the Club's PO BOX 291 for the club to distribute
    • September program was Colonel Freeman of the 549th Statregic Missle Squadron - 
    • October - Club hosts the ARRL Midwest Division Convention
    • Many club meetings were held at the General Motors Training Center 
    • Club members responded to call for assistance from Salation Army for Assistance with Tree Of Lights Campaign
  • 1962
    • Dick Eilers only listed editor of Ham Hum
    • Club moved back to Ak-Sar-Ben 4H Building for meetings
    • Club members participated in Operation May_day 
    • Club provided communications support for
      • Heart Fund Drive
      • Lions Club Eye Bank Drive
      • Easter Seals Drive
      • 1962 Blizzard response
    • March meeting was a Pancake Supper
    • Club Programs include
      • Computers - by a respresentative of the Burroughs Corporation
      • Elevators - by a representative from Westinghouse Elevators
      • Data Phones - by John Orr W0PHW - also of the Telephone Company
      • Telestar - by representative of the Telephone Company
    • July Ham Hum - another "club run by a clique" reference
    • September meeting - the Annual Picnic
  • 1963 
    • Community Service Events included
      • March Of Dimes
      • Heart Fund Drive
      • Lions Club Eye Bank Drive
      • Easter Seals Drive
      • Boyscout Canoe Race
    • February Program was a film on Friendship 7
    • March included a a demonstration of a Heathkit Service Monitor
    • April program was from Northwestern Bell - a film on Alutian Skywatch
    • September - that Annual Picnic
    • October - the Auction
    • Ham Hum included several "Hams Of The Month"
  • 1964
    • Community Service Events 
      • Heart Fund Drive
      • Miracle Mile Drive for Crippled Children
      • Lyons Eye Bank Drive
      • Boy Scout Canoe Race
    • Febraury Meeting -
      • New Galaxy Electronics SSB rig 
      • Soldering Techniques by Rose Turner of Galaxy Electronics
    • March Meeting Telstar and Big Bounce(Echo Balloons)
    • June Meeting - Tour of North Omaha Radar Station
    • July Meeting - Pot Luck Supper
    • September Meeting - Picnic
    • October - Auction and a film from Collins Radio
    • November - Bob Ruyle W0FCH - High Power Log Periodic Antennas 
  • 1965
    • Community Service Events
      • Miracle Mile Drive for Crippled Children
      • Heart Fund Drive
      • Canoe Race
      • Phone Patches from VietNam (Operation Hello)
        • Several Local Companies foot the long distance phone bills for these calls
    • Several members fix up a Teletype Machine adding RTTY to the Red Cross Station
    • January Program -  Clarence Huntly from Galaxy Electronics
    • February Program - Slide show from ARRL (with narration) The First 30 years of Ham Radio
    • April Program - Leo Myerson W0GFQ and Hugh Tinley K0GHK presented slides on their "DXpedition" to Hondurus
    • May Program - a tour of the General Electric plant
    • June Program - RFI from Automobile Electrical Systes
    • July Program - Lew McCoy W1ICP for ARRL HQ - "How to Succeed in Amateur Radio Without Really Trying"  (I don't think this was meant to be a challenge)
    • August Program - Films - Scatter Radar & Polar Blackout 
    • October Program - Navy Station NAA (Megawatt VLF)
  • 1966
    • Community Service Events
      • Cerebral Palsy Drive
      • Heart Fund Drive
      • City of Hope Fund Drive
      • Boy Scout Canoe Race
    • New Antenna Trailer Created - 
    • Boys Town started an amateur radio club
    • Field Day held at a Boy's Town location called "The Priest's Shack"
    • January Program - A Bell System film "Beyond All Barriers"
    • February Program - Amateur Radio Satellites
    • March Program - Auction
    • April Program - Films :  "Plane Talk" and "Conquest of Light"
    • July Program - Films:  "The Breath of Life", "The Oscilliscope and How it Works", "The Square Wave"
    • August Program - A road trip tour of HyGain in Lincoln
    • November Program -  Film: "The Language of Electronics"
  • 1967
    • Community Service events
      • Nebraska Centennial Re-enactment of first Night Airmail Flight (Omaha to North Platte) support
      • Heart Fund Drive
      • Eye Bank Drive
      • Boy Scout Canoe Race
      • Armed Forces Day Communications Test
    • WRL Sponsored a "Hamboree" sale/event
    • Nebraska Centennial QSO Party
    • January Program - 10.2 GHz
    • February Program - 1/2 Wave dipoles
    • April Program - Auction
    • May Program - A tour of WOrld Radio Labs Facilities
    • June Program  - AREC (now known as ARES)
    • August Program - Operation Hello
    • September - Steak Fry
    • October Program - Air Craft Radio Systems 
    • November Program - The production of the Ham Hum
  • 1968
    • Community Service Events
      • Heart Fund Drive
      • Operation Hello - (MARS Phone Patches)
      • Mother's Day Messges from Mom to servicemen sons
      • Midwest Canoe Association Race
      • Armed Forces Day Communications Test
    • Club takes over Repeater project from W0YCP
    • Club moves to Red Cross for Meetings
    • Red Cross Station expanded and becomes the home for the two meter repeater 
    • January Program  - Two Meter FM repeaters by W0YCP 
    • February Program  - Tour of AT&T Plant at 19th and Douglas
    • March Program - Manual process to make printed Circuit boards
    • April Program - Auction - at the Ranch Bowl
    • May Program - Fuses
    • August Program - ARRL VHF Editor W1HDQ - VHF, Antennas and propogation
    • September Program - upddate on Club's Two Meter Repeater Station
    • November Program -  Mutual of Omaha's Data Processing Machines
  • 1969 
    • Community Service Events
      • Operation Hello
      • Mother's Day Messages to Servicemen sons
      • Boy Scout Canoe Race
      • Armed Forces Day Communications Test
    • Ham Hum wins Amateur Radio News Service Award
      • First Place -  General Overal Category
      • First Place -  General Format
      • First Place -  Illustrations
      • First Place -  Legibilty of Content
      • Third Place - Usege of Items from Other Publications
    • January Program - A tour of Methodist Hospital
    • Febuary Program - Trouble Shooting Aircraft electronics & Transistors and Integrated Circuits
    • April Program - Auction
    • May Program - Discusson of electronic and mechanical servers
    • August Program - WA0PZV Bud Henly from Galaxy Electronics presents the FM210
    • October Program - Life Saving technicques for the ham operator
    • September Program - Steak Fry
    • November Program - Past Presidents Night