

Next Meeting

The Gathering
of the
Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club
will be on 
March 14 at 7:00 pm

At the 
American Red Cross
2912 S 80th Ave

This month's program 

WW2 Radios Part 2!


Featured Shacks


2018 ARRL Field Day Logo DOWNLOADThe ARRL’s Field Day is a lot of things.  The ARRL defines it as  Ham Radio’s Open House and  “a picnic, a campout, practice for emergencies, an informal contest, a demonstration of amateur radio to the general public and most of all FUN”.    In fact Field Day can be so many things that it is impossible to do them all well in any one event.   But... we found a way.    Use a World War II Mine Sweeper to attract both operators and visitors.

Last year, looking to take Ham Radio to the public and making a it a challenge again, (not having a 24 hour HyVee with in walking distance) the Field Day Chair reached out to the volunteers at Freedom Park.    From the beginning the Field Day team knew there would be issues, not the least of which was the limited access to the park since the 2011 flood.     Those issues were over come and after having about 200 people be exposed to amateur radio, Field Day Chairman Adam KDØMMG decided we would go back again.  

Operations have expanded a bit... There will be SSB Shacks on 10/15/20/40/80m...  6m/2m will operate from the fantail again.   CW will be on the air from the radio room.  Digital is possible, but not yet confirmed.  7A?  8A?      Dinner will be prepared in the ship's galley and eaten in the ship's mess hall.   When the night shift operators take over, the day shift will find a bunk in the officers quarters for a few hours of shut eye.   

Just a reminder that the gate to the park is only open from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.   You can stay in the park after closing.  hazard 1If you need to arrive at the park after 3:00 pm... there will be a sign with a 2m simplex frequency on it... Call for K0USA and you will be admitted to the park. (You can also try on 146.940)   Before you go, let someone know so they can help you get through the gate.  So bring along an HT -  All traffic in and out of the park will cease at 9:00 pm (this is an official request from local law enforcement) . Sunday morning the same process is used, as the park is NOT OPEN.  So the gate must remain closed.    Someone should be awake by 8:00 am.    

So.. come on down.. get on the air and have some fun!    No need to be a member of the AARC.. no need to be a ham.. come on down!
Need a map?  Click here -->>>    2497 Freedom Park Rd, Omaha, NE 68110