The 2017 edition of Field Day for the Ak-Sar-Ben ARC will be at Freedom Park. 2497 Freedom Park Rd, Omaha, NE.
Freedom Park offers many new challenges but also offers a lot of opportunities, which is one of the major aspects of Field Day, learning to see challenges as oppurtunities. Freedom Park is open to the public only on Saturdays between 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Setup will occur while the park is open and operations will start at 1:00 pm That is the best time to visit. Field Day Operations will continue for the full 24 hours.
As of this moment, we are planning a 6 Alpha operation, but the addition an 80 meter antenna might push that to 7 Alpha if we find another radio for that band. The plan is to network the operating positions to easily combine the individual logs and to provide communications. The AARC Mesh Networking Team plans to place a phone at each location as well as cameras in some of the "inside" locations. PSK will be in the radio room - limiting visitors due to its size and 20M SSB will be in the club trailer. Again, limiting vistors due to the size of the trailer. Visitors should be mindful of the operations going on around them, and limit conversation while visiting the individual shacks.
20 meter SSB - KØCTU/KE7RDM
15 meter SSB - KAØVNY
GOTA* - KAØVNYwill be the control op/Callsign used
6 meter SSB - KA4ZZQ
20/40 meter PSK - AI7Q
20/40 meter CW - KBØLF & WEØBEP